Victorian Cricket

Sunday, 2 June 2013

What a fun day I've had today! Woke up to find the glorious sun peeking through my blind in my room.
Bonus for what activities where going on today! 
Each year our town plays host to the Victorian Cricket Tournament. The teams consist of the hotels and pubs surrounding. Out of the five included the hotel I work in. 
Now due to today's society, they now insist that each team must have one female player.
Yup, you guessed it.. that's me!
Now I've not played cricket since I was 16, and I've been nervous about it since I was asked a week ago!
However, it wasn't all that bad after the fuss. I parked my car at work (as the parking in town is ridiculously expensive and busy!) and strolled down to the meadows with the team. 

Now despite the team players we had I think we did well. We did lose the first match, but that meant spending the rest of the day chilling in the sun and enjoying the day. :)

Some of us took the ample oppurtunity to drive a Off Road Camel Landrover BLINDFOLDED!! We obviously had some one with us to navigate! The aim of the competition is to see how fast you can get around the course with out incurring any penalties all in first gear! I managed to do it in 6mins 30. The winner did it in 3mins, which my friend and I still quite understand how..?!


With all the lazying around it was also a great time to take some piccies on my phone to then play with and upload on here. I love the photo of the Dakota which did a fly over. I'm quite shocked myself! I couldn't see the screen with the sun glare, but wow!

Along with the positives are the negatives.. mine being that my arms and face represent a lobster! :( Sympathy please fellow bloggers, I'm in alot of pain!
So I've learnt a few things, I can drive blindfolded - but not recommended! That I can play cricket - not well, but hey practise makes perfect ;) and that I sun burn way to quickly!

B xx

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