Thanks Jenny and Weekly Wishes :)

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Right guys,

After seeing Jenny's lovely comment about where she gets her motivation from to Blog. I looked at Weekly Wishes by Nectar Collective - again recommended by Jenny.
I have to say, I love the idea of setting a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly goal. That's what motivation is all about isn't it?

As quoted by Melyssa;
 "I encourage you to write a goal you have for the week either in the comments, on your own blog, in your journal, or tattooed to your face (I think the last option would be most effective, don’t you?). It can be anything…small or big! Then, try writing down why it’s important to you or why you chose it. Writing down why you chose it will help motivate you to do it! :) "

So I start from here.
One of my goals is to include my Events Blog Posts into this blog. By having two Blogs it gets confusing, plus its early days. :)
This will be an ongoing wish.

My other goal (actually completed goal) is that I've finally paid off my last Student Tuition Fees! Yay! I feel a need to celebrate! Its taken me exactly two years to pay off. But it is now a HUGE weight off my shoulders to pay it off!

I seem to remember in one of my first posts, I promised my self that I would look after myself and increase my self-esteem which I feel to continue.

For my first 'Weekly Wish' - To decide whether to go to Graduation or not. I know this seems like a silly wish, but I actually have a deadline of Friday 9th to let them know whether I'll be attending.
I want to go as its a great moment for me and the feeling that I've achieved something. Then there is a part of me that doesn't want to go as my best friend doesn't want to go. Yer, I'm 22 and I'm a big girl, but really there's no fun in celebrating a wonderful achievement on your own.

So bloggers, if your finding it hard to blog set your self goals. There are loads of posts to read about it and to spur you on.
I'll keep you posted on my decision.

Good Luck! :)


  1. I didn't go to my graduation and I kind of wish I had, just for the experience. It's up to you in the end - because you'll still get your diploma/degree/certificate whether you go or not. Thanks for including me in your post! (:

    1. No worries Jenny, and a big thank you again! X
