Weekly Wishes #6

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Its that time of the week again when the Blogging Community come together and link up to The Nectar Collective's Weekly Wishes!
This is were we all think of goals or wishes that we want to complete as well as meeting new people!

The Nectar Collective

Firstly I want to say how much I love my photo for this weeks Weekly Wish. Excuse the wheelbarrow in the background - I was de-weeding the vegetable garden and found this cute guy on one of the plants. I love nature :)

So what was last week's Weekly Wish?: Start this University Year afresh and organised!

Well I did it - Ok, Ok so the Uni year lasts more than two days but so far I seem to be organised.
As soon as I got home from my lecture I curled up on the sofa and printed off a calendar from Word. I then highlighted all the important dates and to make sure that my work gets in on time, I've given myself deadlines to finish work a week early than when the actual deadline is. Confused?
Because of the hard work that is to follow - and yes I will admit I had a sign of weakness followed by tears and cries of "why am I doing this?" to the dog, who bless looked ever confused. I've decided to cut down my hours at work. Drastically.. :( 
Every Wednesday night I will get my bag and books ready so I'm not panicking in the morning. 
Ah hopefully all this hard work will pay off and I'll get the BA Hons in Events Management so excited!

What is this week's Weekly Wish? Send off my parcel for Britt for Snail Mail Collective!
I was so excited - gosh need to find a new word to describe my excitement, to join Snail Mail Collective two weeks ago!
After exchanging a few emails to Britt over at One&20, it's time to send off our parcels.
I'm hoping this week that I will have time to put it together and send it off!
Bless Britt, she has been so busy with everything that it has given me an idea behind my package to her :)

Have you signed up for Snail Mail Collective? 
What's your Weekly Wish?



  1. It's so overwhelming when you start up a new year! I'm in the same boat, and although I attempt to be as organized as possible, it never ends up working out... I've learned to embrace it! haha

    I've never heard of Snail Mail Collective, but I'll definitely check it out!

  2. Glad you're managing to be organised so far :) Wish I could say I managed to complete my wishes... My post goes up tomorrow. I really wish I had joined Snail Mail Collective, but I forgot about the sign up :( Next month I will.
    Best of luck, and keep blogging!
    Lydia x

  3. I'm looking forward to sending my package, too!
    And I love that you are getting super organized and making deadlines and calendaring a priority! Being set up for success is a key lever in ultimately being successful.
    You have definitely given me some ideas for what will go in your package as well :)
    Britt @ One&20
