Staff Party

Friday, 24 January 2014

Wow, two weeks of constant work certainly fries the brain. Eurgh.. I'm so glad to be back for a while and what a perfect post to write about.
So about two weeks ago it was my work's staff party, and it was fancy dress.
After much thought I brought my jacket from online store Fancy Dress Ball. Now the trousers.. oh my god! Ever seen Friends when Ross has problems with his leather trousers? I had visions of that episode while I was at the party.. They where so tight!

Talc was at the ready!

It was such a fun night and I still can't imagine what the place looked like in the morning. I've put together a few favourite photos of mine for you to look at :) I would like to add I was completely sober at this party :)
Can you guess what my costume was? ;)

Until next time guys :) 

B x

Great Christmas Exchange 2013

Friday, 10 January 2014

Back in December the lovely ladies, Beth and Samantha, thought of the brilliant brain child that is the Great Christmas Exchange 2013.
For those who don't know, anyone that signed up for this were then given the secret mission to stalk (but in a nice manner! - None of this Veronica Mars stuff, though I loved that programme!) our new friend. 
I had the lovely Kristy from KsKristy to follow. I loved finding out what Kristy loved, that she follows the KC Chiefs and loves Kansas! I had a big idea of getting a customised piece of jewellery but the cost was just too high. :( Maybe one day..
Our budget was $20 which at that time was £12, but I went for the extra £8. :)

After wrapping up the candle and bracelet and including a gorgeous cupcake bath bomb and chocolate. It was time to construct the box. Now I'm no expert, but this box took me 30 minutes to construct.. no joke! I was a bit sceptical that the gift was going to arrive in one piece so I included a small note aha - well it was travelling all the way to America!

Once my package was sent, I then received a package - my pressie from Secret Santa! :)
Now my Secret Santa was the amazing Rachel from Little Miss Black Bean Blog. I did the childish thing, and instantly shook the box.. it rattled!

I opened it up to find a bag full of goodies! This included googly eyes, stickers that smell of cocoa, rubber things that you put on the ends of pencils (Childhood memories), magic cards and glowsticks! GLOWSTICKS! I've not had one in years!
Now the dice I was a bit clueless, but along with the lovely letter it soon explained a game called Farkle. I've not tried playing it yet, but I'm sure I will soon with this rainy weather we have round here.
Rachel's Blog is lovely and I've just read about her travels to Disney World... yeah, I'm not jealous one bit. Pfft!
I've loved joining this small community and can not wait until this years. :) Thanks again, and Rachel and Kristy it was lovely meeting you :) 

Becky x

Weekly Wishes #14

Monday, 6 January 2014


I reckon I'm not the only one who didn't do Weekly Wishes over the Christmas period... am I right? Okay, you may of blogged more over December than myself, but who's checking eh? ;)

I also think it's quite spooky, and no I did not plan this, that this is my 14th wish AND it's 2014. HA! Brilliant :)
This week's theme is 2014, unfortunately I have no photo's of New Years, as I was working at a function. Boo! But it was great fun, best fun in years I reckon. Anyway I have no photo's, so this week is just a photo of some sparklers. I love sparklers, so... sparkley! :)

The Nectar Collective

So what last week's Weekly Wish? (Actually last year's) Get into the Christmas Spirit.
Well this well an truly happened, however my immune system had other plans  :( All my shopping was done, and wrapping done two weeks before the big day. Parcels were sent to America and cards were delivered to friends. We had family coming up and I had the day off work :) Then all of a sudden I was hit by the flu bug that is going round and was in bed for 5 days :( I managed to get up for Christmas Day but was forced to go back to bed on Boxing Day. Though I did get into the spirit and enjoyed my time. The presents I received were amazing and I don't think I could ever thank my parents enough for them. :) How was your Christmas guys?

What is this week's Weekly Wish? Get things ready for a new term and Staff Party!
After two week's off I'm back to lectures. Back to the weekly grind of getting up early, taking notes and panicking and stressing over assignments! But alas! I have a lovely Sunday to look forward to, it is our work Christmas Staff Party! A night full of drink, dance and Karaoke and to make it even better.. it's fancy dress!
After much thinking, I'm going as... nahhh you'll have to wait and see next week!
I'm not a huge fan on dressing up, but I'm strangely looking forward to this one and pics will be going up :)
What do you normally go as to fancy dress parties?

Good Luck with your Weekly Wishes!

Becky x

Welcome 2014!

Friday, 3 January 2014

Well Happy New Year guys! How did you celebrate the beginning of your new story? I was at work, but what a fun night it was! :)
I'm not one to make resolutions as I never keep them.. ever! But what I will be doing this year, is to just live my life as it comes. As many of you know, I'm still studying and this year is the THE year to crack down and get the work done. I will not be straying from Blogging, but I will be a lot quieter now. I need to focus!

Though what I will do is share the lovely news, that for Christmas I got a Canon EOS 1100D Camera!.. :):)
My parents completely shocked me with this one, however it does mean that the quality of my photos, especially for the wedding posts will be of a better quality. I can not wait to use it properly, but in the mean time are just some of the test shots I've taken.

Despite being blurry, the picture of Bramble is my favourite. :)
This year as well as (fingers crossed) getting my degree, I will be watching this little Blog grow into what I want it to be. A place where I can escape and write about what's going on as well as share stories and experiences. It's very cliché, but 2014 is my year!
Becky B Blog will be celebrating it's first birthday in April, and I may do a small give a way ... watch this space ;) I have lots of brilliant things to write about. It's all rather exciting stuff :)

In the mean time I leave you with this little saying that I have in my room to keep me going :)

Becky x