Getting to know you Link-up :)

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Hello everyone!

Today's post was going to include a video... and thinking about it now I may edit this later when I get round to adding it. Unfortunately, I have been mega busy and along with having no free time to film, there is no video.
An actual bummer as this was meant to be a link up with the lovely Suzy for her "Getting to know you" tag.
This is a new link-up but looking so fun. :)

Instead of being an arse, I have answered the questions below.. please don't hate me..

1) What makes you laugh?
    A lot of things make me laugh. Pictures of cats. Pictures of dogs. Any photo to be honest which is funny. I only watch comedy films and programmes. I feel recently that along with all my work, I need to seize every opportunity that I have to laugh. Even I find myself laughing at the smallest things :)

2) What made you become a blogger?
     I'm not sure, I had started blogs in the past but only this one has stuck by. Looking at my first posts, I wanted to change myself and use my blog as my journal to record what happens. That has slightly changed, as it has taken a back seat until I finish my degree. I now blog when I feel like it, but overall I have used my blog to meet some amazing people. :)

3) Do you have any regular features on your blog? If not, why not and if so, why do you do them?
    I don't have any regular features of my own on my blog, but I do partake in others such as Weekly Wishes. I really want my own, but not sure what. I have tried posting about Events that I have helped in but I need a catchy title.. any ideas?!

4) What is one piece of advice that has stuck with you?
    I don't really have any advice that has stuck with me. However, when I'm feeling stressed or feel like I just can't complete what ever task I have. I just take a deep breathe and say to myself that I'm only human. At the end of the day, if it's going to happen then its going to happen and we just have to get on with it. - I'm currently saying this to myself about 50 times at the moment!

5) What inspires you when writing blog posts?
    Ermmm, well I'm currently on a dry patch in terms of writing posts. :( I need inspiration, but I feel when I get this work out of the way, my creative side will flourish again! Normally I will read posts and think I should include my opinions on that of if I buy new things I feel I should share with you guys. Whatever takes my fancy.

6) Aside from being a fantastic at blogging, do you have any hidden talents/party tricks?
    Gahhh, I really should of done a video otherwise you won't believe this AMAZING party trick I can do!
Haha, nahh I can wiggle my ears without moving my face. :) It's weird, but I gets people trying it for themselves :)

7) What are your top tips for first time vloggers/bloggers?
  Ooo this was my own question.... My only tip would be patience and be yourself. Don't use the screen to hide behind. Use this space to be yourself and be as creative as you can. Be patient when gaining followers and watching your blog grow. It takes time. :)

8) If you'd had to get a tattoo at eleven years of age, what would it of been?
   Oh gosh.. a lot of things. Dolphin prehaps. I loved them at that age. Or a symbol of a band I liked..

9) What is the story behind your blog name/username?
    No story, except that in the pub the locals would say "Becky B!" whenever they walked in. So I took it from that, :)

10) How do you think you'd react if your blog ever appeared on Get Off My Internets?
     Pardon?!  I don't even know what this is, but I'm guessing quite bad. How do you know if you are featured on there? *starts panicking*

11) Tell us about a teacher who has had a big influence on your life. 
     I don't think a teacher has had a big influence on my life to be honest. How boring..

12) If you could give a message to anybody who isn't here right now, what would it be?
     I want to tell my future self that the journey's worth it after all... I hope!

Well that is all my questions answered for! Again I'm sorry I couldn't put it in a video but with all this stress my skin has seen better days and I'm having to spend all hours of free time on assignments!

If this is a regular link up, I promise I will do a video next time!

Bye for now!

Becky x

Cambridge Haul

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Hello! Hello!

Hope you are having a lovely day! Today's post is going to be a short one as I am still struggling with Bloggers Block and I was going to film my next YouTube video, but I don't have a free house!
Anyway, I thought I would post my recent video all about the things I brought in Cambridge.

I love this city, I really do. But wish I could shop somewhere else! Do you have any shopping centres that you like visiting? If you have a YouTube account, please like or even subscribe to my channel :)
Leave me a comment!

Until next time,

Becky x

The Liebster Award - Round 2

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Hello there! Today's post is firstly saying thank you to the lovely Megan from Aurora Dust. She has nominated me for the Liebster Award.
Now in May last year I was nominated for this award and spookingly enough by someone called Megan as well! It is a great way of meeting new people in this lovely community. All you have to do is answer the questions you have been sent and then nominate other bloggers who have under 200 followers with your set of questions. :)
Get the jist? Let's get cracking!

1. What inspired you to start blogging?
  Back in 6th form while studying media studies, we had to set up a blog to record all our work. However, this never lasted and that was when Blogger was very simple. Fast forward a few years, and I try and get into the blogging community again, but the fact I was limited to using my laptop only didn't really help, so I gave up. 
Last year I decided that was it! I personally wanted to change the way I was, and finding Zoella and other blogs through Twitter helped me persue this hobby. Since April last year, my blog has grown and grown. Ok so my post's are not related to "my journey" which is what my "About Me" page states. But I have loved the "journey" I have undertaken to meet some lovely people. :) I would like to carry on my blog with the events I help with, and increase my posts in the lifestyle section :) I have also started Vlogging! :) 

2.What are your favourite blog posts to write and why?
 Because my blog is all over the place (I don't like to be sterotyped) I enjoy writing about the events and weddings I have helped in. I am studying Events Management and along with the hotel I work in, they encourage me to take photos of table set ups etc.
I really want to get into PR, so if you know any websites that send things to Bloggers, send them my way! :)

3.Name your top 3 favourite Blogs at the moment.
Ooo, this is a trick question?! I have so many right now! So obviously Megan from Aurora Dust. I love reading posts about Beauty Products, I'm one for reading reviews before going out buying!
I am also loving Bethany at What She Did, Suzy at Eeep I'm A Blogger, Caitlin from IDS, Amy from Amy Connolly and Jemma from The Name of The Beauty. These are the main ones I've been reading this month and I get on really well with them... I hope... However all blogs that I follow are equally amazing! - You can find their links down below :)

4. What Celebrity's make-up do you love?
 Now don't hate me, but I honestly think all make up on Celebritys are more or less the same.
I hate those who constantly cake it on. I prefer the natural look. However, I do love Lauren Conrad's make up. It looks so flawless and soft touching... can make up be soft touching?!

5.Which Celebrity Style do you love?
 I love Anna Kendrick at the moment. No explanation. End of!

6.If you could take 3 items to a desert island what would you take and why?
 A blanket - nothing beats a lovely blanket to wrap up into plus you can use it for so many things!
 A good book - I would take my kindle, but that would run out of battery.
 Wet wipes - always good to have on you!

7.Make-up or Fashion?
 A bit of both, though I feel more confident with make-up than fashion. Something I need to work on :(

8.What is your dream job?
 To have a 9-5 office job in events or wedding planning. Therefore I can also have time to Blog and Vlog to my hearts content. I really want to take this seriously. :)

9.Where in the world do you want to visit the most?
 America, I've been once but that was when I was 8. So I would love to go again.

10. What tip would you give a newbie blogger knowing what you know now?
 Be patient when you start. I thought as soon as I started, the readers would fly in. In less than a year, Becky B Blog as 66 followers. Let them come to you, just keep writing. Also once you have your followers, keep in contact with them! I've met some great people!

11.Last one so let's make it fun - Do you have a party trick??
Eshhh knew you would ask me this one! I can wiggle my ears without moving my face.. *by the way, I didn't just do it to check...*

I nominate;

Bethany at What She Did
Caitlin at IDS
Gina at Ginazzy
Amy at Amy Connolly 

My Questions:

1. How did you pick your Blog's name?
2. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
3. What single quality do you most appreciate in people?
4. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 13-​​year-​​old self?
5. Describe yourself in three words.
6. Beauty product you can't live without?
7. Three favourite online shopping websites?
8. What is your most prized possession?
9. What was your last/best holiday?
10. Wordpress or Blogger? Why?
11. What is your favourite post you have written? Leave a link for me to look at :)

BEDINFEB - Day 1, My story!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

So I'm linking up with the lovely Bailey Jean over at Anchored in Love.
I was looking everywhere for a Blog everyday, when I stumbled across this!

 Blog Everyday in February

Now day one is about 'your story'. Even though I could probably write for hours and hours on end about my life up until now, I really thought I could try something different.
At the same time I had been dying to try my hands at vlogging. I've been looking at people's videos and came across the 'Draw my life' video.. perfect!
So I thought I would kill two birds with one stone, so to speak and I've combined the two.

I hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed making it, I apologise now for my weird drawings. You wouldn't think I did a GCSE and A level in Art...

I have loads of memories, but I thought I would keep it brief and leave those for another day :)
If you love it, please give it a thumbs up on my YouTube page, that would mean a lot and leave your thoughts and comments! Hopefully this is the first of many videos :)
See you around,

Becky x