Update & Vloggers Chat :)

Monday, 24 March 2014

I wonder how many posts I have written, that consist of an apology in the first sentence?!

*Sigh* This is just an update post to say I am still here. I have an exam next week and many assignments due in so all concentration is on that!
I also noticed that I never really did a 'Grand Opening' (If that is what is called! Aha!) for my YouTube channel! You can find me over here :) And I am uploading a video tomorrow, so please check it out!

Just like my blog at the moment, it is very slow but hopefully in the summer it will pick up. In the next few months or so, you may see a few changes here on my blog :) But don't worry, nothing drastic!

Ooo, also please feel free to join in every Thursday 8pm-9pm in #vloggerschat over on Twitter. This is a new chat, hosted by Beth at WhatSheDid. It is for everyone who is a YouTube-r or are thinking of joining. We talk about anything related to videos, and questions are set up each week! It is a new chat, so please bare with, but so much fun and you get to meet new people as well :)

Right, I'm off now to study again.

Until next time

Becky x


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all feeling all spring like, what with all this lovely weather we are having?

Today is another short post as my Uni work is getting just a tad more stressful than it already was...

Only 71 days to go and I will be free from studies, wooo!

ANYWAY, here is the TMI Tag video I filmed over on my YouTube channel. I was tagged by Beth on WhatSheDid. I honestly consider this girl as one of my blogging friends! I love talking to her, and the videos she makes are really good. So check her pages out!

If you would like to do this video, then please do! I found the questions over here, and please leave me a comment if you do so I can have a nosey after ;)

Until next time,

Becky x