How To: Survive A Mosh Pit!

Saturday, 26 April 2014

I know what you’re thinking;
 ‘Mosh-pit? You must be joking! I wouldn’t allow myself in that!’
But believe me, when your mouse is hovering over the price options and you chose standing as its cheaper, you’ll thank me.

1.       Wear sensible clothing – This may seem a stupid point, but you will be surprised the amount of people who wear 7-inch heels to stand in at a concert or wear skimpy high waisted, cheese slicing shorts. Myself, I just opt for the jeans and nice top. Don’t do what some Muppet does *cough* not me *cough*, and wear a thick coat, with a jumper underneath, because my god do you get hot easily in the crowds. And you will end up holding it.the.entire.night…

Maybe the skimpy clothing wasn’t a bad idea after all…

2.       Get there nice and early – Now some people do this so they can get as close as they can to the stage. Personally I don’t fancy looking up skirts and shorts, that’s not what I pay £25 + for. If you have a standing ticket, I like to get in nice and early to, rather more sensibly, take in my surroundings. Plan my exit for when things get wrong and nasty. Locate the bar, check. Locate toilets, check. Locate fire exit, check. Locate the bar, check! See… the important parts!

3.       Find a reasonable crowd – I don’t mean buddy up with a crowd, because I know some people can be sociably awkward, what I mean is again look around. At my recent gig, Tinie Tempah, there were a few older people there. In fact a mother with her two teenage children. Now, I know that that mother isn’t going to join in and mosh. If we stay close enough to her, but not creepy close, then no one will involve us in their ‘mental dancing.’  Once you have found a suitable area, stand your ground. Attach your feet to the floor with sensible shoes, duct tape if you insist!

4.       Position yourself near a barrier – If the crowd are more or less the same age as you, then find a barrier to stand by.  I normally go for the tech barrier, it’s in the middle, there’s nice people inside the boxed off area that can just quickly whisk me out and because they have the camera equipment, you gain an advantage to getting on the screens quicker! Down side is I’ve not tried this theory, yet.

5.       Don’t resolve to violence – I think this is one of the more serious of all of the tips. In some cases you will find that other revellers just don’t like their drink anymore and feel the need to chuck it in the air, contents and all. Or maybe, they just felt that the black hoodie they brought in was no longer needed. If this falls on you, don’t turn around and take it out on the nearest person, just go with the flow. Violence does not solve anything, and in some cases may just start the mosh process.
If you follow me on Twitter, you would have noticed that despite having a brilliant time at Tinie Tempah, I was in fact a victim of ‘drunken-sweaty-man-‘dancing’-and-bumping-into-me.’ Dancing was not the word, more stumbling; into me (did I mention that?). Every time we moved away, he would follow.
Eventually I got so pissed off that I (little me), shoved him back into the crowd while the audience cheered for my bravery! Ha – I wish! No instead, I just put my hands out to stop him bumping into me and gave him the most evil of evils.

6.       If all else fails – Join in! - Now in some gigs, standing isn’t at all that bad. There are no mosh pits to be seen, just the crowd jumping up and down to the blaring music and vibrating bass. This was the case on that night, until Tinie announced that one of the songs is called ‘Mosh Pit’ and that he wanted to see every one mosh.


I looked to my left, the bar had disappeared.
I looked to my right, fire exit not reachable in time.
I had lost my safety crowd. 
That bar had definitely disappeared...
I had no option, but to join in.

So next time you find you are standing in a concert, take on board these simple tips and you’ll walk away absolutely fine. I can’t promise you will walk away with no bruises though! 
Have you been involved in a standing crowd, what where your experiences?

Until next time!

Becky x

New Blog Design!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Hello Everyone!

Despite being really busy with the degree at the moment, I also decided last year that, as a gift to my blog and followers, that I would enlist the help of someone to re-design my blog.

After months of searching, and I really do mean months, I finally found someone. Kate Jordan. Now you may know this designer as Kate Hall (recently got married! Congrats!). Kate blogs over on Dairies of an Essex Girl and if you haven't read her blog yet, shame on you! Head on over now!

I wanted to find a new, unique design that was fun yet professional, and Kate has done just that.
I also thought it was time to add some new features, you will still find the pages dedicated to my reviews, weekly wishes and weddings.
Soon there will be content on the new page, 'How To'. Here I promise some giggles while you read sarcastic how to's on battling day to day life, none of the boring manuals! I am open to suggestions, so please comment below!

I hope you like the new design as much as I do, I am so glad I chose Kate and would be very happy to recommend anyone to her design expertise! This blog design is also my chance to say Thank you. Thank you to all my readers and followers. Without your support, I really would not of bothered to change my design. But I honestly felt I needed to, to say thank you!

Until next time!

Becky x

Weekly Wishes #16

Monday, 14 April 2014

Hello everyone!

So as promised I am back to blogging and I honestly can not believe that a whole week has gone by!
As per the norm, I am linking up with The Nectar Collective! :)

The Nectar Collective

Last week's Weekly Wishes:

Complete my latest paper - All done! I finished it last night and will be handing it in sometime this week. I now get to focus on my big dissertation paper!

Video edit and upload to YouTube - I was on a roll this week, this task was completed and you can watch it here :)

Think of ideas for my Blog's birthday! - Ok, so I didn't manage to complete this one, but I did think long and hard. Since I am in the process of finishing my degree, I honestly have no time to think of a giveaway prize. :( I will be doing something later on in the year, but for the time being I will be saying a MASSIVE thank you :)

This week's Weekly Wish:

Just like last week, they are going to be boring!

  • Keep working on my Dissertation paper. 
  • Watch Frozen - Yup, I brought the DVD but kept saying to myself to finish a paper before I watched it!
  • Try and relax at least once!

Weekly Wishes #15

Monday, 7 April 2014

Hello everyone!

After much thought about how I could get back to writing on my Blog, I took a trip back through the archives and found out that it was The Nectar Collective's Weekly Wishes Link up that really motivated me each week!
Now my last one was back in January.. yeah, let's not dwell on that one!

I was going to start a fresh, but decided to carry on. However, I am not going to reflect back on my previous Weekly Wish.

The Nectar Collective

This week's Weekly Wish:

This week is going to consist of mainly working on some papers, you probabaly are getting fed up of me talking about all my Uni work. But this has taken over my life, and I promise will end in May! :) I really want to get my latest paper finished this week. Deadline is next Friday, but I know I will benefit better if I get it over and done with. :)

Another wish of mine is to also get a video edited and uploaded to YouTube. If you haven't already, go and watch the 90s Tag video I did couple of weeks ago. Because it was so long and funny to record, I want to make a Bloopers video :)

Finally, it is also not just mine, but my Blog's birthday! I will be 23 (20th April) and the blog will be 1 (23rd April!)! Can you believe it! I'm hoping to do something special for the occasion and to say thank you to everyone! :) I already have one thing lined up, which is pretty exciting. :)

I am linking up with Melyssa over at The Nectar Collective, if you don't know about this community, then go and have a peak and join in :) Everyone is welcome. If you have done already, leave your link below so I can read your wishes! Have fun!

Until next time,

Becky x

90's Tag!

Friday, 4 April 2014

Hello everyone!

So today was a lovely day... if you count sitting in a room writing as fast as you can for 2.5 hours 'lovely'! But my word am I glad that exam is now over! However, the hard work is not done yet, I still have another paper due, alongside my dissertation (less than a month) and two presentations, which my tutors are saying are a breeze!

My problem is, I hate talking in front of people, even worse just my tutor on my own. I think it's the thought I am being assessed freaks me out. 'But you talk in front of the camera!' I here you say, well yes that is true, but if you knew how many attempts it took to film those!

Anyway, today I am linking below my most recent video, the 90's tag! I was joined by an old friend of mine, Steve. I've known him since GCSE year, so a good 6-7years now. This was also my first collaboration, and I loved it!

Would you believe this video was over an hour long! Cutting it down to this, was so hard! So in the near future, I will be uploading a 'Bloopers' video, it is pre-a-tty hilarious, if I do say so myself!

Right, that's my 'break' done for tonight, back to the laptop to write this paper. :)

Until next time guys!

Becky xx