Where do I begin?
Even though we first met in September, I was expecting you years before that day.
You see, I have been told about you through others: they shared their stories about what you did to them. Some explained how they enjoyed your company, while others longed for you to disappear. But knowing this, I was ready for you and I'll admit I was slightly excited when September arrived. I had all these wonderful ideas on what I could write and after much thought I decided that we would talk about weddings.
This seemed easy at first and I was really enjoying your company, I had a Gantt chart (and don't even get me started on those!) on when I would start and finish each section. I was happy!
Until two months in, soon it was becoming apparent that there was a lack of literature available. You restricted me to what I could include and what I could write about. You may of hated Wikipedia, but personally I LOVED that site. I was really forced to search the internet and step into a place that I had never stepped in before.. The Library! You even got me confused when I needed to reference the Bible, for pity sake!
December soon approached and I pushed you to the side, I couldn't look at you any more, you made me physically sick! You didn't realise that I had other commitments to look at, and soon they become my priority.
Soon after 2014 arrived and I knew, I knew that I couldn't put it off any longer, so I gave in and gave you a second chance. I even had the mad idea of re-writing you on a new document, sorted your layout and decided that this was it, I had to get on with writing you! And yes, there were moments when I wanted to give up so much and just delete you.
I sent out the questionnaires and had an amazing response, 127 to exact when I was only expecting 60! My tutors were happy with the progress that we were making. But slowly you were killing me inside and I dreaded each day as it came. On Friday 11th April, I broke up for Easter and I knew I was on my own. You were the first thing I thought about when I woke up and the last thing when I went to sleep. Others would say that's romantic, to me that's crazily obsessive.
In fact the whole of those two weeks, I spent typing word after word about weddings, watching your word count increase and increase. You become selfish and clingy and wouldn't leave me alone, I lost my social life and the four walls of my room became my jail. Even on my birthday I spent typing at my desk, trying to get rid of you, but you weren't having any of it!
Saturday 26th April you betrayed me so much. I thought I had finished but you chose to drag my parents along for the ride. They took you away for proof reading and even than you were a pain in the f-ing bum! Mistake after mistake, problem after problem! Some would say that's my fault, personally I blame you.
But today (2nd May), my dear dissertation, I sent you off to get marked. Despite hating you so much, I still cared for you and went the extra mile, quite literally, to get you beautifully bound.
Have a lovely journey and remember.... don't come back until June and don't fuck up!
Yours lovingly,
Becky x
P.S - I bound two copies, one to burn!
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