Goodbye 2014; Hello 2015!

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Another year has flown by, and so quickly too!

Feels like yesterday I was writing my other post about what I was hoping to achieve in 2014, and by the looks of things not a lot.

2014 was a year that was going to be stressful and not a lot of fun. My degree was in full flow and my life was taken over by my promotion at work to supervisor, which meant more hours at work, less being sociable.

In September that all changed. Within a week, I graduated. Found a new job and handed in my resignation!
I've only been at the new place for nearly two months but a lot has changed for the company.
I have taken over the social media side and the company is growing and growing! I've even set up our own blog! :)

I am ever so grateful for meeting the people I have. Bethany at Whatshedid, Beth at Beauty and Beta, Suzy at Eeep I'm a Blogger, Caitlin at I'm a Damn Student.. and April at Hello April are just to name a few.
Without you girls and, yes you who is reading this, I honestly would't be the person I am now.
Thank you!

So what does 2015 have for me?

I want to take this year as it comes.
I don't want to feel forced to find a boyfriend, nor do I want to force myself into situations I don't feel comfortable in.

I want to take control of my anxiety problems towards socialising.
I want to move out.
I want to build my blog more.
Join in on meet-ups
Meet up with some bloggers I've met over the past year.

but most importantly;

Start to love the person I am.

It is extremely cliche but I'm here to change :)

What are your goals for this year?

Happy New Year; Let 2015 be your year!


Blog Love Tuesday #3

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Hello, hello!

Let's jump straight into Blog Love Tuesday shall we?

Each week for Becky B Blog, Tuesday is a day to share what we love in the world of blogging :)

If you would like to join in, please include this lovely badge so others can join in, and use #bloglovetuesday while chatting on Twitter :)

So, what blog have I been loving this week?

Lola from Lola's Little Wonders

I've not known Lola for that long, in fact I only found her through the #vloggerssecretsanta thanks to +Beth Williams :) 
Lola, is a lovely, bubbly, Essex girl who, like any other person, loves her makeup! She is also a bad influencer when it comes to buying make-up brushes! ;) haha!
In 2015, Lola will be embarking a fantastic journey as she travels around the USA for 5 weeks! I am so jealous of this opportunity and I'm hoping she will keep her blog updated of what she gets up to!
My favourite posts at the moment include the Christmas Party Make Up Look over on her YouTube channel and, of course, her Trek America countdown series!
 I may just book my flight ticket ;) 

It has been lovely to meet you, Lola, on Twitter and read your blog! Keep it up and I look forward to your posts in the New Year! 

Feel free to join in, tell me what blogs you've been loving! 

Let's push the hate aside, and share the love!


Weekly Wishes #3

Monday, 29 December 2014

Bonjour everybody!

No, I haven't turned French, nor am I taking lessons. Left that one far behind of the days of GCSE's!

It is a Monday which means, one thing.. Weekly Wishes time!

If you don't know about The Weekly-Wishes Link-up, then you can find it here!

The Nectar Collective

This week well and truly sucked!

Last Week's Weekly Wishes:

1) Schedule some Blog Posts - Well.. I planned one post after I wrote the last Weekly Wishes post. So that is kinda completed.. no?

2) Go Out! - This one did not happen what so ever! I was invited out for drinks on Christmas Eve, but turned them down as I was still wrapping up presents! Since then I have arranged to meet a few people, so hopefully I will get out haha!

This Week's Weekly Wishes:

1) Possibly.. purchase the Zoeva Brush Set - I know this isn't exactly a goal.. but I really need some new brushes and, well, they are so so pretty!

2) Blog post writing - Come on Becks, let's get motivated and write some posts! I have some brilliant ideas, just need to find some time to write!

3) Say goodbye to 2014 - I have a feeling that I am going out for this one.. what to wear?!

Round of applause, for the girl who completed her goals!
Oh wait, not me? *sigh*

Until next week, wish me luck!

Becky x

Blog Love Tuesday #2

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Hey guys!

I said I would return, and I have! Okay - maybe a whole week later, but does it matter when I'm here to share peace and love! ;)

Each Tuesday for Becky B Blog, is #bloglovetuesday!
If you would like to join in, please include this lovely badge, so others can join in :)

I will be choosing one blog, each week, that I absolutely love and enjoyed reading and will be sharing with you! :)
This is my chance of showing you guys the talents that has put a smile on my face that week. Where do you guys come in? I want you lovely people to do exactly the same! This could be in the link-up below with your own post of who you are loving, a comment on this post. Maybe a mention on Twitter or Instagram, using the hashtag #bloglovetuesday. The possibilities are endless!

Please welcome my 2nd #bloglovetuesday!

Say hello to Frankie!

Frankie posts over on Crazy Blonde Girl and also has a YouTube channel!
I've only recently followed Frankie and chatted to her on Twitter, and I wish I had done it a lot sooner! She is a lovely 20year old, who has tons of tips for those at Uni and those who are also wanting reviews on the latest Lush products (something I love reading!) 
During October, Frankie did some Halloween tutorials, including an Avatar Makeup look, and my favourite, the mermaid!
Frankie has also, just recently, got a pet hedgehog called Zoey..crazy right? But so so cute! 

If you don't already, please go and give Frankie a follow on BlogLovin' and YouTube! :)

Please feel free to join in!
Let's push right hate aside and share the love!


Weekly Wishes #2

Monday, 22 December 2014


It's that time of the week again, were I set myself goals to remind myself on what I need to get done!

If you don't know about The Weekly Wishes link-up, then you can find it here!

The Nectar Collective

Last Week's Weekly Wishes:

1) Buy few more gifts for Christmas - Done! My last gift arrived last Wednesday and they are all wrapped and waiting under the tree! :)

2) Send off some gifts - You can see the gift I sent off to Lola over here!

3) Pack for a weekend away in Southampton - Well, it wasn't a weekend away (no idea why I wrote that!) I was there for the night, and obviously this goal was completed!

Whoo so that's three goals all complete, now onto this weeks!

This Week's Weekly Wishes:

1) Schedule some Blog posts - I read somewhere that some bloggers prefer having a stint of writing and scheduling than writing every night! Is this something you do? I may just give this a go, but in the past I have had trouble scheduling posts and found that they have never gone up! :(

2) Go Out! - This may seem like a silly goal, but I have my reasons. While I was working in Hospitality, I would work during the sociable hours and never have time to go out and enjoy myself. Also my anxiety has played a huge part of this.
I have two full weeks off work, during the Christmas period, and I want to meet up with some old friends :)

I think I will stick to two wishes this week, I want to enjoy all the Christmas celebrations, as again this is the second Christmas I've not worked! (First time I booked it off work, and came down with a case of flu! :( )

Until next week, wish me luck!

Becky x

Blog Love Tuesday

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

In recent months I have seen a lot of hate on Twitter directed to bloggers and YouTubers. Not just the well-known ones (Zoella to name one) but the ones that are starting off with a small part of the internet and have big ambitions to make their small part, huge.
If you've not noticed this hate circulating, count yourself lucky from the frustration and countless headaches I've had.

People say that the hate has only just recently started happening, na uh! This has been round for years and years! I may of started this blog last April, but I was not born yesterday.
The internet can be a cruel place, but what empowers us to get through this hate is to ignore it and not give it the time of day.
Easier said than done, I know. But honestly, just don't retaliate.

What happened to the times when Bloggers and Vloggers would empower and support their community, eh? We all had nice, positive things to say, to help motivate people to carry on their hobby and enjoy what they love.

That is why I am starting a new thing*

Each Tuesday, the feature #bloglovetuesday will take pride of place on Becky B Blog.
I will be chosing one blog that I absolutely love and enjoyed reading.
I'll also be throwing in a song, because I'm amazing! ;)

This week I've chosen REM - Shiny Happy People. Song is upbeat, need I say more?! Most def puts a smile on my face; and I'm not talking about the delightful costumes! ;)
This is my chance of showing you guys the talent that has put a smile on my face that week. Where do you come in? I want you lovely people to do exactly the same! This could be in the link up below with your own post of who you are loving, a comment on this post. Maybe a mention on Twitter or Instagram, using the #bloglovetuesday. The possibilities are endless! So, without further ado, let me introduce my first #bloglovetuesday!

  April Todd from Hello April.

April, is a lovely, gorgeous lady! You can find her small place of internet space not only on her blog, Hello April, but also on Youtube. Both these sites cover everything from lifestyle, beauty or fashion. My favourite posts include April's recent trip to IKEA (that cactus is so so cute) and also her amazing find for banishing flat hair! April's posts are really lovely to read with a fun attitude. So go give April a follow on Twitter and her blog, you will not regret it. You may be lucky to get sent a photo of a hamster in a Santa's outfit. Yeah, you heard me! April, keep up the amazing work. You have achieved so much, since rebranding in November!

Let's push the hate aside and share the love :)


 *if this is someone else's brainchild, then I do apologise for taking it without knowing!

Weekly Wishes #1

Monday, 8 December 2014

That's right, I'm starting again.

Every Monday night I have found myself chilling in front of the T.V. But not tonight, I've motivated myself to actually write a post. Well I lie, I wrote this last night.. but whose going to blab ;)

If you don't know about Weekly Wishes already, then curse you, and click on the below link to find out more details and join in!

The Nectar Collective

Because I am starting all over again, it means I have no goals from last week to praise myself for completing. Damn it!

This Week's Weekly Wishes;

That's a bit of a tongue twister..

1) Buy the few more gifts I have left to buy for Christmas - this goal I have to be careful on, I do all my Christmas shopping online. I can not stand any of the crowds, being stuffy in a shop does not do it for me. Sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea and shopping all done by the click of a mouse, is FAR more appealing!

2) Send off some gifts! - I took part in WhatSheDid's #vloggerssecretsanta. I was meant to send it on Friday but a lot happened on that day and I didn't get round to sending it off. Plus I felt so bad with what I had bought, I may of purchased something extra. So I'm currently waiting for that to arrive.

3) Pack for a weekend away in Southampton - This goal looks more luxurious than it actually is! I'm only going there for a photoshoot at a hotel. This is part of my love of starting my own part-time photography business. I know there is no such thing as a 'part-time' photographer.. but i'll make it happen ;)

Well that is all I'm setting for myself, anymore and I feel I won't get them done haha!

Until next week, wish me luck of getting them done :)

Becky x

Harry Potter Weekend!

Sunday, 7 December 2014

To say I love Harry Potter is a complete and utter understatement. It really is.. so it is really no surprise I was nearly reduced to tears while stood in the lobby of the Harry Potter Studios in London.

Surely that has happened to others.. nope, just me? Okay..

Anyway, I surprised my best friend, for her birthday, with tickets to the studios. We had been planning what was orginially going to be a one day visit, turned out to be a whole weekend in London! Cue two excited girlies!

We drove down on the Friday night and arrived in a hotel in Watford. We had both decided it would be much cheaper to stay on the outskirts of the city rather then stay in a more central location. 
It was a cheap hotel and we got exactly what we paid for... yup. Thats a different story to be honest.

Saturday we woke up early and caught the tube into Oxford Street to do some shopping.. actually we both didn't buy anything.. it was ridiculous. Though the crowds were a tad busy and we had chosen the BEST weekend to go. BLACK FRIDAY/CYBER SUNDAY.

We then met up with some friends and made our way to Winter Wonderland. This was equally the most exciting part of the weekend I was looking forward to. It was lovely seeing all the stands and we ended up queuing 20 minutes to then spend 10 minutes in one of the German Beer Tents. 
We both agreed we should of gone in the day, but throughly enjoyed ourselves.

Now Sunday, I'm not going to say much, but leave you with these photos :)


Becky x