28 Water Challenge

Thursday, 1 January 2015

I honestly thought I was mad when I agreed to join LaLa Loves Chic for the 28 Water Challenge.

With the word 'challenge' it genuinely put me off, but after reading about it on the web, it seems slightly easier than originally thought!

The whole point of this challenge is to drink 3 litres of water a day, which is just over 5 pints, over 28 days. The outcome? Better skin, puff-free eyes and feel less tired throughout the day, WINNER!

I really am up for this, especially as I have dry skin due to dehydration and bags under my eyes, all the freaking time!

Bare faced selfie :)

You may say that my skin doesn't look that bad. If I told you to come closer, you'll see why I'm doing this.
Others have recommended using different moisturisers or cleansers, but I'm going to give nature a chance and drink more water.

I'll allow myself two cups of tea a day (one in the morning and one in the evening) as I know I get crabby if I don't have my daily intake! In between, if I feel like a drink, I'll grab a glass and tap water, thank you very much :)

If you have any tips, comment below or if you would like to join in then come and follow myself and LaLa Loves Chic over on Twitter.

I'll update weekly with photos to see if there is any development :)


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