Weekly Wishes #5

Monday, 19 January 2015


I took a week out of blogging due to personal problems.
This included feeling sorry for myself, for no apparent reason. Which, thinking about it now, may just be the 'carried over' meltdown from NYE..


It is time to update myself on the goals I have achieved this week.
Recently I have been enjoying writing this series as it not only gets me involved in the blogging community, but sometimes I even surprise myself when I look on the blog and realise that I had set myself those tasks. Some of which, I had forgotten I had set! aha!

The Nectar Collective

This week has been okay in terms of goals I think...

Last Week's Weekly Wishes:

1) Pick up my camera - Well, my mum actually picked it up for me. Same thing, right? I am so happy to have it back. I was given a 64GB memory card for Christmas and part of my Christmas present was to buy a new lens. Just currently looking at the different ranges. Do you have any recommendations? Comment below :)

2) Write out an invoice - This should of been a priority and actually hasn't been done.. at all. Well, I started putting it together..

3) De-clutter my wardrobe - I started.. chucked out a few things.. but honestly, it's not good enough. What I have noticed is that I have FAR too many jumpers..

4) Purchase the Zoeva Brush Set - Yes, this is a goal from the previous week. But I can confirm that I have a set of brushes in my paws.. and I LOVE THEM!

This Week's Weekly Wishes:

1) Write out an invoice - This definitely needs to happen.. like NOW!

2) Drink more water - Seems silly, but I set myself the challenge of drinking 3litres of water a day and honestly. I am failing!

3) Write some new blog content - I have so many ideas, I just need to get them up!

4) Have a bath - What an odd goal, I know, but I do shower all the time. The family bathroom is used by my brother.. need I say more! He is currently away for the week, and I want to take full advantage and have a bath with one of my LUSH products :)

Hopefully, I will complete this... they seem so simple!

Until next week,


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