Weekly Wishes #8

Monday, 30 September 2013

Well guys what a week, and I’m so glad its Monday so I can share with you!
Firstly, thanks to Melyssa for choosing my ‘innocence’ picture of Bramble, and thank you for your lovely comments about her.
She is a cute thing, just waiting for her to knaw right through her cage. Soon her whole cage will be made of duck tape!
This weeks photo choice is ‘Happiness’.
I thought long and hard about this and the photo I've chosen is this one.

As I’m currently sat in the garden enjoying the last minutes of the sun, to me this is happiness. Just sitting here, not doing anything. Nothing to worry about..yet!
However, when I'm truely happy is when I'm listening to my favourite band, Coldplay, live. The quality of the photo is poor, but I was dancing around too much!

The Nectar Collective

It's that time of the week again when the Blogging Community come together and link up to The Nectar Collective's Weekly Wishes!

This is were we all think of goals or wishes that we want to complete as well as meeting new people!
Link up & Join In!

So what was last week's Weekly Wish?: Blog Commenting.

Wow, what a challenge I set myself this week eh? I'm very very very happy to say I've completed it. It only took me 2 and half days, but I did it! yaya!
I commented on every single blog that linked up to Melyssa's link up, and you know what? I'm glad I did!
I read blogs that I thought I would never read, and because of this I intend to follow on BlogLovin'.
The best bit about all of this was the feedback! I've never received so many email notifications in one week! It was so motivating to read what you guys put! 
The even better bit, and I am extremely excited about this! Drum roll please!...
Because of my commenting spree, I have been asked to contribute to an Events Website!!
Eeek, hopefully I will be linking my posts onto my Blog as my contributions to the website will be about weddings and parties.
So I really do recommend commenting. You never know, who see's it and what the outcome may be! :)

What is this week's Weekly Wish?: Car Washing. Research and Blog Posting.

After this week's successful wish, I thought I would take it easy. I'm only working at the weekend this week, so will take the opportunity to sit back, and relax-ish! While squeezing in some important things.
My car needs a good clean - Quick Update: I brought a black Nissan Micra Convertible last month. :) 
I need to start researching for my assignments at uni. I've decided to research about the origins of weddings.. aha!
And finally get some Blog posts done, for both here and the website (When I have my first post up over there, I'll link up!)  :)

So what are your Weekly Wishes this week?

Share, share, share!


Weekly Wishes #7

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Before I babble on about my wishes for this week, I wanted to quickly explain my photo.
Recently Melyssa will set a theme for the photo's. This week is innocence.
It was only by chance this happened. Bramble, the cutest hamster that she is, has decided that her chew sticks and other chewable things I give to her are not enough, oh no! And has started to chew her cage! A £52 cage I would like to add!
My solution, along with anything, Duck Tape! When I took the photo I swear she ran over to be a part of it. Such a poser! Here she is with her 'innocent' 'wasn't me' face!

It's that time of the week again when the Blogging Community come together and link up to The Nectar Collective's Weekly Wishes!
This is were we all think of goals or wishes that we want to complete as well as meeting new people!
Link up & Join in!
The Nectar Collective

So what was last week's Weekly Wish?: Send off my parcel for Britt for Snail Mail Collective!
Done and done! In fact it was sent off yesterday. I was a bit scared, as I've been watching to many of those programmes where they send sniffer dogs and open up peoples packages.. I hope Britt's arrives in one piece, I really do! The amount of tape I used...

What is this week's Weekly Wish? Blog Commenting.
Can you remember my Weekly Wish #2? Vaguely. I said that I would comment on your posts as I wanted to get into the blogging community more and meet new people. Well I obviously completed it, this week I'm going to make it my goal to comment on each and every Weekly Wish link up for this week...
Link up's before and after my link up will be commented on. I've chosen this as my wish as that I felt that I would only comment on a few link up's each week. I want to expand on that.
Plus I really couldn't think of anything this week, *sigh*
Wish me luck!


Quiet & Content

Sunday, 22 September 2013

It has been a while since my last Wedding post and upon flicking through my photos I have a few party event photos to share, but I will save that for next time :)

The following photos are from a very small wedding. Fifty guests I believe.
It was a lovely colour scheme of blue and white and the chair covers where supplied by a local company who come along and put them on for you. Great for us who were getting the rest of the place ready.
The couple got married on site and where joined by close friends and family for the wedding breakfast.
Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of this, but the table plan was.. let's say different.

The bride had allowed her close friends 13 year old son put it together.
He had chosen super cars for the pieces of paper and wrote on top where everyone was sat. You needed pretty good eye vision to read it.
The only small hitch, and you really can not tell unless you look closely was that the cake had started to slowly collapse at the back.
The baker, who delivered the cake to the hotel, tried to blame the staff and then the temperature of the room. The cheek!

By getting a friend to do your sitting plan, it would work out a lot cheaper. The newly weds where very happy with the set up and the way the day went.

As you may be aware, I'm starting my dissertation and will be looking at the correlation between the cost of a wedding and the quality of the wedding.
Do you need to spend more to have an amazing day?

Five on Friday

Friday, 20 September 2013

So this past week has been hectic as - I think anyone will agree with me on that!
I was then prompted by a lovely friend of mine, N, that I hadn't posted in a while. After much thought I had no idea what to write.
"How is that so?" - I hear you cry!
Because numpty here has't used Evernote in over a month, that's why!

Anyway, moving on I was reading Mackenzie's post over on Bells Bliss about a High Five for Friday post.
Brilliant - a new link up!
I then traced the source of the link up, Darci from The Good Life, and I've participated below. :)

I believe it is five things you write about that has happened over the week. So a summery. You then link up and just join in, so here goes..

This week I've been working a.lot along side two days at Uni. Probably not a good thing, but being told that the next 6 months you have a lot of work to do is making me panic. But I can do it! I know I can!
I've become SUPER organised and have everything ready from folders to new pens! I'm such a stationary geek!
Best thing is that I only finish at 2:30pm on both days! Oh yay!
I have one assignment due in on November which I have to present with. I don't like presentations.. they make me quiver :(

I wouldn't be surprised if this was mentioned on at least one post so I will be brief on this one and say it quietly and quickly...
What a waste of a download! There are some items I like such as the lock screen when new notifications pop up. I did enjoy flicking through the new ringtones (I'm such a child)
However, after waiting 37 minutes for it to download (I've heard some people have been waiting up to 20hours!!). My phone decided to switch off and take two hours to switch back on again! I'll also quickly explain that my "lock" button on the top sunk back in May and therefore I steer clear from switching off my phone, unless I have a barge pole to press it down to get it to wake up!

IOS 7..Thoughts?

Eeek! It's nearly that time to send of the Snail Mail Collective parcel! After having on idea of doing a care package, I decided to go all out and focus on one item. One item?! You're so mean! Ah but if you saw the price tag attached you would be agreeing. Plus it has multiple functions!
I won't explain too much in detail as Britt maaayyy be reading this. If you are, its being sent on Monday as the Royal Mail around here are gimps!

My lie in on Wednesday didn't happen! This is after my persistant friend C decided to let me know that Tine Tempah was going on tour!!
We have been waiting for 5 years for this day! He opened up freshers 5 years ago (back when we were college students, the uni and college share a campus) which we decided not to go to as we didn't think he would be that good.
How wrong were we! We love this man and can not wait. CAN NOT WAIT (the excitement is already building!) to see him in December!

My fifth point may not be huge, but it is for me. I managed to build up the courage to ask my manager at work to cut my hours down!
*big sigh* I was a bit apprehensive about this, as I wasn't too sure how they would react and also if they would accept.
However, I went with the feeling "who cares, it's happening" and it was accepted!
I will now only work 4 days a week, 2 of which are evenings, and 3 days off to study and blog of course ;)

So what have you done this week?
Do you have any comments about Apples new software?
 Link up, join in and comment!

Weekly Wishes #6

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Its that time of the week again when the Blogging Community come together and link up to The Nectar Collective's Weekly Wishes!
This is were we all think of goals or wishes that we want to complete as well as meeting new people!

The Nectar Collective

Firstly I want to say how much I love my photo for this weeks Weekly Wish. Excuse the wheelbarrow in the background - I was de-weeding the vegetable garden and found this cute guy on one of the plants. I love nature :)

So what was last week's Weekly Wish?: Start this University Year afresh and organised!

Well I did it - Ok, Ok so the Uni year lasts more than two days but so far I seem to be organised.
As soon as I got home from my lecture I curled up on the sofa and printed off a calendar from Word. I then highlighted all the important dates and to make sure that my work gets in on time, I've given myself deadlines to finish work a week early than when the actual deadline is. Confused?
Because of the hard work that is to follow - and yes I will admit I had a sign of weakness followed by tears and cries of "why am I doing this?" to the dog, who bless looked ever confused. I've decided to cut down my hours at work. Drastically.. :( 
Every Wednesday night I will get my bag and books ready so I'm not panicking in the morning. 
Ah hopefully all this hard work will pay off and I'll get the BA Hons in Events Management so excited!

What is this week's Weekly Wish? Send off my parcel for Britt for Snail Mail Collective!
I was so excited - gosh need to find a new word to describe my excitement, to join Snail Mail Collective two weeks ago!
After exchanging a few emails to Britt over at One&20, it's time to send off our parcels.
I'm hoping this week that I will have time to put it together and send it off!
Bless Britt, she has been so busy with everything that it has given me an idea behind my package to her :)

Have you signed up for Snail Mail Collective? 
What's your Weekly Wish?


Name Change Ideas; Help Needed!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Do you love that feeling when you have the motivation to change something.. but you just don't know where to start?

I am having this exact problem as we speak and I'm reaching out to you guys to really help me out - pretty please!

Here's the low-down;
I've had my blog for nearly 5 months and I have enjoyed every step of my journey. From learning how to make pages to joining networks and meeting new people.
When I first started I honestly thought I would be all on my own in the world of blogging, so when it came to the name I put no thought into the process.
This is were I want to change...

I love my name that my parents gave me don't get me wrong, but I would also equally want a new blog name.
It only came up in thought when I was designing Blog Buttons when I thought.. I need a change.
I have searched the web and racked my brain all night and had no luck. I've even tried brainstorming the idea and this is all I got..

Lincolnshire Daisy - I live in the county of Lincolnshire and I love daisies. Its also a twist on the normal 'English Rose.'

Gin & Pimms - I have a feeling I may get a company on my back about this one.

Tea & Scones - Yeah, there's no reason for this one, it was quite random.

Brilliantly Dull - I searched Oxymoron's and this is what it gave me.

So your help would be greatly appreciated it really would!

Thank you in advance readers :)

Weekly Wishes #5

Its that time of the week again when the Blogging Community come together and link up to The Nectar Collective's Weekly Wishes!
This is were we all think of goals or wishes that we want to complete as well as meeting new people!

The Nectar Collective

So what was last week's Weekly Wish?: Sort out endless amounts of receipts..
Well this was a huge success! Actually so successful I managed to complete it within the first two days! How about that eh!?
The comments I received where very supportive and I looked at all Apps that where suggested. In the end I opted for a simple table on my iPad which I divided into months. 
I'm absolutely amazed on how much I have spent from January already! I really need to cut down! Eek!
To keep me organised, mum found me this cute tin to store all my receipts in. I love it! 

Love this tin and others in this collection

What is this week's Weekly Wish?: Start this University Year afresh and organised!
I had a lot of things I wanted to include in my Weekly Wishes, but felt that this one is more relevant. 
This Thursday (12th September) I will be enrolling on my BA Honours for Events Management. I am so excited! Every new term I promise myself the same thing, that I will be organised and file all my notes etc. Even though I kept this up in the last two years, I feel I can do more! 
I love stationary so I feel a shop to my local PaperChase is in order (so much for saving!) 

Do you have any organisation tips and ideas you want to share with me?
What's your Weekly Wish this week?
Love to hear from you :)

Becky X

Look out for a Link Up.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

As some of you know I have been part of Weekly Wishes for 5 weeks now (I missed a week *sob*) and I love love love meeting new people all across the globe. 
But after much thought, I feel that I need to do more to meet more. 

So my question to you is, do you know any link up's that I should look at? Your help is greatly appreciated. 
Or do you have a idea of a link up that maybe I could start?
Comment below or give me a reply on email :)

Weekly Wishes #4

Monday, 2 September 2013

Its that time of the week again when the Blogging Community come together and link up to The Nectar Collective's Weekly Wishes!
This is were we all think of goals or wishes that we want to complete as well as meeting new people!

The Nectar Collective
- See more at: http://thenectarcollective.com/2013/09/weekly-wishes-15/#sthash.4Z5EhV8u.dpuf

So what was last week's Weekly Wish?: Let's Get Crafty!
Well this was an epic fail on my half and I'm annoyed that I did not accomplish anything crafty :( As I explained last week, I was doing a 40 hour cover on reception so I was extremely tired after work. 
The tiredness showed as I managed to Link up the wrong post in Weekly Wishes Link Up - Double Whammy Bex!
However, I did find this old trolley/table in our shed. 
I needed more storage space for my ever expanding shoe collection. A quick clean, sand down and a lick of paint and it fits well in my room. A very good find a d re-use of furniture!
So I'm very tempted to say that this was my crafty side.. hope you agree! 

Left; Before. Right; After. (Bramble loves the new height!)

What is this week's Weekly Wish?: Sort out endless amounts of receipts..
As boring as this sounds, this is also a great method of getting rid of the mountain of receipts in my drawer. Heard of a 'man drawer' ? The drawer that has bits of old shoelace, light bulbs, keys that have no use to you just stuffed in a drawer, never to see the daylight again?! I have one. Just full of receipts.
As I'm going back to University next week and cutting down on my hours as work, I need to become money concious again. I have a vague idea of just sorting them all out, input my spendings on a Excel sheet on my laptop and only keep the ones I think I need. Again boring for you guys, but major in use for me!

So what are your weekly wishes this week? Link up and I'll have a read, I may get inspired for a less boring wish next week!

What do you mean I can't use BlueTack!

Sunday, 1 September 2013

As most weddings, all of them have their unique ways. You also, as a waitress, learn and take home some brilliant ideas.
This bride, and mostly her maid of honour, really used the room to its full use.
As the hotel is Grade II listed and therefore means that we cannot modify or nail anything to the walls, this really was a dilemma for this wedding.
They felt that the walls just needed something to make it more special for them.

We already have pictures hanging on the walls and their first question was to take these down. Unfortunately, these are stuck fast and this wasn't an option. Second question, and personally I hate the stuff, Blue tack!
As amazing as it is for fastening items together or on walls from cleaning keyboards, it also leaves a horrible greasy mark afterwards and in some cases removes the paint.

The solution.... measure the inside area of the picture and place their decoration inside, et Voila!
This was my favourite one

You can just about see them around the room
They had covered the whole pictures, fastened with sticky back plastic, with card and on those cards where customised sayings from the bride and grooms favourite films or programmes. 
A very personal touch.
When you really set your mind to it, the outcome is amazing and as it has happens, will be inspiring towards others. 
So when you're planning your wedding, use the room. Don't feel that because the venue have said no once means a plan B can not be thought of.
This party where very cleaver in their thinking and the end result looked amazing!