Weekly Wishes #10

Monday, 21 October 2013

It's that time of the week again when the Blogging Community come together and link up to The Nectar Collective's Weekly Wishes!
This is were we all think of goals or wishes that we want to complete as well as meeting new people!
Link up & Join In!

The Nectar Collective

This week, the theme for the photos is Creativity. Above is a photo of when I was (and still am) learning how to use the sewing machine. 
I'm a bit slow, but getting the hang of it. Plus it's my Grandma's machine and outlived all of the modern machines!!

So what was last week's Weekly Wish? Keep Calm & Carry on!
Ok, so it's not last week's wish, but I lost all motivation last week to do anything.. at all!
This needs to change! Though I would just like to highlight, that I'm doing this post and link up ON A MONDAY! Ahhhh I normally do it Tuesday morning.. the shock!!
 I have started my assignments, and with it being reading week this week, I am aiming to get the 1000 word report, along with it's presentation out of my hair!
I still have not washed the car as we have had Noah build his ark! Not literally. It just hasn't stopped raining.. blooming England weather!!
So with regards to the meeting, lets say I didn't accomplish this wish. It wasn't that kind of meeting, in the fact it was a change of management, and certain rules and words were being said. Since then, work has been absolutely fine. :)
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the Bastille tickets BOO HOO! :( They were sold out. *sob* However, I had a lovely evening catching up with N :) Even though we watched Tv and got a take out, it was nice to just sit and chat about things face to face :) 

What is this week's Weekly Wish? Enjoy. Focus & Button Swap.
As I've mentioned above, I have a whole week off. So I'm going to enjoy my time off while I focus on getting my work done for uni. Even though its raining cats and dogs, with the occasional hamster. It still won't put me off doing stuff. Tonight (and i will post about this!) I am going to a stately home in our town along with some friends, for a Spooky Tour! They say the later you go, the more scary ahh!!
Finally, I will be using this time to accept any free Button Swaps! Either click here to take my button or if you want to swap comment or contact me on the links. I would be more than happy to :)

Good luck with your weekly wishes!


  1. sewing how fun!! :) i've always wanted to learn. i bought a sewing machine and never started. oops! maybe i will have to pick it up again. what are you learning how to make?

    1. Thanks for the comment, in the photo at the time I was just sewing together dust sheets to make a bag for storage. Basic, but good practice. And if I went wrong, it didn't matter :) x

  2. School can be really take up a lot of time! I know my studies have been getting a lot more hectic as it's now mid-term and I have less time for other things. But, thanks for reminding me! I need to wash my car, too. Lol.

    Good luck on your goals!

  3. Spooky Tour?!?! That sounds like something I need to do IMMEDIATELY!!!
    Slow down a bit and enjoy the time with friends :)
    Britt @ One&20
